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The 7 “ValueMaximizers™

For Pre-Preparing Your Business For Maximum Sale Before Selecting an M&A Firm


Are you looking to sell your business in the next 1-3 years? Or simply wanting it “sell ready” just in case you decide to sell? Or wanting to build an even stronger money making machine over the long haul?

Our ENTREPRENEUR’S BIG PAYDAY programs and services are designed to help you PREPARE to predictably, and systematically:

  • Sell Far Faster
  • For Far More Money
  • With Far Better Terms

The fast-track to achieving this is by ensuring that you have optimized and maximized the 7 “ValueMaximizers™” (more on these in a moment) so you become irresistible to qualified buyers, while ensuring that the entire experience is as joyful of a celebration as it should be (more on this in a moment).

Whether you prefer our 8 Week Intensive Masterclass group training or one-on-one coaching/advisory sessions or being a part of an industry specific Mastermind Group, we have a program to help you achieve your goals.

We are NOT a Business Broker, M&A Firm, or Investment Banking Firm. Our laser focus is on helping you prepare your business for your Big Payday BEFORE you reach out to the highly selected M&A partner firms. We help you achieve your long term goals, regardless OF whether you decide to sell or not.

Your Business is “One of A Kind”

Of the thousands of entrepreneurs, we have trained and coached, one thing we consistently hear is, “Our business is unique”. It doesn’t matter what industries they are in (BTW, we have worked in over 280) or what size of business. We get it. Yes, the other businesses in your industry are “similar”, but the customers, employees, market, skills, access to capital and more are in fact unique. Therefore, we approach ALL clients as “unique”. This is critical to understanding what to work on, in what order, and where the execution baseline points are for making performance improvements.

We work exclusively with successful entrepreneurial companies with revenues between $1-$25M. Scott personally works with larger companies on a highly selected basis.

Click here to schedule a 15 Minute Discovery Call.

Seller Warnings

WARNING #1 – Companies Selling For 50% or Less of Potential Value:

The reality is the vast majority of entrepreneurs don’t know how to maximize the exit value and therefore needlessly leave a lot of money on the table. I know first-hand. I sold my first business with no advisor to guide me. As I later learned, I sold it for 25% of its potential value!

WARNING #2 – The Business Sales Tsunami:

The baby-boomers (born 1944-1964) have controlled every trend since baby food…and they are at it again. However, this time it may not be good news for baby-boomers that are looking to sell their businesses.

The Law of Supply and Demand: According to EOPI, over the next 10 years it is estimated that 4.5M U.S. businesses will sell/transition, with a value of $10 Trillion. That is 450,000 per year! Yet, according to Statista, “M&A disclosed deals in the 12 months ending August 31, 2020 amounted to 12,123, down from 14,247 in 2019.” It is said that likely 3 times that many deals were not disclosed… so let’s use 45,000 on the generous side that sell per year.

Based on these statistics, it appears that this Tsunami (as coined by PEW Research Center) of businesses for sale will likely result in a massive over supply vs demand, and significant downward pressure on values and the salability of companies

Click here to schedule a 15 Minute Discovery Call.

More Amazing Stats

  • As of 2019, there were 12 million baby boomer owned businesses, and 70 percent of them will be retiring over the next couple decades. (Wealth Mgt. Report)

  • Only 20% of businesses that list end up selling (BizBuySell Insights)… and we know why.

  • 70% of entrepreneur’s wealth is often in their businesses.

Add to this the fact that we have experienced one of the longest running boom economies in history (which will certainly come to an end) and this leads us to believe that it is a critical time to consider preparing your business for sale, if an exit strategy is your ultimate goal.

*Sources: California Association of Business Brokers and GenEquity.

The 7 ValueMaximizers™ For Pre-Preparing Your Business For Maximum Sale

Sell Far Faster, For Far More Money, With Far Better Terms

1) ProfitMaximizerTM

The Fast-Track to Profits

Becoming a GREAT company that maximizes growth and profitability first involves a laser-focus on profit acceleration by optimizing and maximizing your business’ ProfitDrivers™.

We find that most companies have 20% of untapped, rapidly actionable profit potential. We were an innovator in this technology and have over 20 years of success strategies, tactics and best practices to draw upon.

In the first 30 Days: The ProfitAcceleration Strategy Session™ will help you and your team create a model for increasing profitability predictably and significantly, without any additional investment in marketing, sales or technology.

Over The Next 60 Days: We help you rapidly identify simple, easy to implement strategies and systems that will accelerate their growth, both in the short term and over the long haul. This includes helping you and your team cultivate the “low hanging fruit” revenue and profit that can help you fund the execution of the other ValueMaximizers™.

Purchasers LOVE a profit generating machine.

NOTE: Clients can engage us to perform this as a standalone service.

2) PerformanceMaximizerTM

Build A Systematic, Scalable Machine

Once you maximize and optimize results, it is time to LOCK-IN the predictable, HIGH-PERFORMING RESULTS with usable KPIs, reports, best practices, training programs, and a precision execution process.

Having effective systems in place, both the technology and processes, is more important today than ever in building a rock-solid business that can both run without you AND produce predictable results over the long run.

Purchasers LOVE the certainty that a well-run, systematic company provides.

3) GrowthMaximizerTM

Expand Marketing and Sales Efforts

STRATEGICALLY and SYSTEMATICALLY position your business for market dominance and expand your marketing and sales methods to drive in far more Customers/Clients/Patients.


With your profits maximized and results locked in, it is time to leverage that success by focusing on expanding your marketing and sales tactics and channels. Plus, ensure your marketing spend is focused on the highest returns.

Your efficiencies allow you to drive in even more qualified leads and convert more of them to high paying loyal customers, clients or patients.

We focus on both on and offline marketing, and if applicable, help train your sales reps, and even help with hiring superstar reps.

The Predictable Marketing System helps create predictable new client, customer or patient flow. It also helps ensure that no single customer exceeds 15% of revenue (a BIG no-no).

An important, potentially game changing component of the Predictable Marketing System is, what we call, The Secret Sauce. That is, what is your “Compelling Competitive Advantage™” that differentiates you from competitors and positions you as the only logical choice in the marketplace. This may require you to strategically pivot the business to walk your talk.

Differentiating your business from your competitors is critical to maximizing revenue, price, and profitability. It is also a powerful business valuation maximizer.

The bottom line is by showing faster future growth, your business is worth more money.

4) TeamMaximizerTM

Strengthen Your Power Team

Effective execution and scaling requires a STRONG, SYNERGISTIC TEAM (not reliant on any one person) … each in the “right seat on the bus”, with clear “developmental paths” in order to take the business to the next level and thrive WITHOUT you.

In this ValueMaximizer, we work with clients to evaluate their current team, and determine if any additional resources may be needed to take the business to the next level… and give buyers certainty that the business will thrive without the founder, especially if the goal is to exit the company.

Stellar Culture: Often a loosely used word with little backing, GREAT companies understand that an amazing culture, which is fully lived and breathed throughout the organization, is one of today’s ultimate success tools. It helps them recruit and retain top talent, improve performance in all areas, and is infectious to professional buyers.

5) FinancialMaximizerTM

Know Your Numbers

Accurate, CLEAR FINANCIAL REPORTS, performance metrics and reports are critical to running a GREAT company… as well as strong cash flow. These create strong credibility and confidence with interested buyers and make it easier to fund the deal.

Although Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets are important, Cash Flow Statements are often even more important.

Having the numbers is “good”. Knowing and understanding your numbers, and how to use them to maximize performance and avoid painful pitfalls is “GREAT”. Buyers value an entrepreneur that is on top of the business’s finances, metrics and KPIs.

6) CustomerMaximizerTM

Create The Ideal Mix/Make Up

Develop RAVING FAN CUSTOMERS and REFERRAL MACHINES, made up of a strong blend of NEW and ESTABLISHED REPEAT customers (with a high percentage of reoccurring revenue)… never being reliant upon a handful of big hitters.

7) MindsetMaximizerTM

Making The Mental Shift

Preparing your business for a future sale often requires significant changes in how an entrepreneur thinks about their business and THEIR ROLE. Having the RIGHT MINDSET is critical for both execution and GREAT EXPERIENCE when they sell.



One of the greatest overlooked elements when selling an entrepreneurial company is, life “after the sale”. Get it wrong and you likely will be miserable…potentially for years to come! 

This includes:

  • The Authority And Control you will have if you stay on to run the company… especially  if the sale involves an “earnout” (where a significant amount of your payout is dependent on growth and profitability over 3-5 years).
  • How Your Team Will Be Treated: Too often an incredible culture and team are dismantled by the acquirer, which results in a lot of pain for people that helped make the company GREAT, and highly sellable.
  • Components Of The Business That Should Be Excluded From The Sale: Sometimes there are assets that are not valued by the buyer, but have measurable worth to you. It is important to identify these asserts and work out a carve out with the buyer. 
  • The BIGGY! What will you do after you leave the company? Failure to plan this IN ADVANCE can result in a lot of pain and disappointment, and even result in you burning through the money. (YES, I personally went down that path.) 

Each coaching arrangement is unique.  The above keys may be done in different order depending upon your needs.

Is your company prepared to maximize your BIG Payday and Fulfill Your Dreams?


Let’s have a casual conversation.

Register Now for a Free 15 Minute Discovery Session to Find Out how you can prepare your business to sell faster, for more money, and have the future of your dreams.

Valid for Companies with $1M+ Revenue. Must be Business Owner, CEO, or President

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