Focused on Rapid Growing Companies to Better Manage The 7 SuccessDrivers™ to HyperGrowth


As a founder and CEO, building and managing a HyperGrowth business is exciting to say the least. I know I have built three of them, coached hundreds of others, and am the author of the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestselling book, The 7 SuccessDrivers™ to HYPERGROWTH.

With this excitement comes a fair share of challenges as your rapidly growing company ascends through each stage of its development. Often the founder and CEO has never run a company of this size and complexity…and often many of their team members are in roles with responsibilities that either beyond their previous experience level, or completely new to them.

Plus, HyperGrowth often also creates new challenges with profitability, cash flow, capital requirements, quality issues and more… not to mention challenges with rapid hiring, onboarding and skill development.

And these are just a few critical areas of the company that often need a transition or even transformation in order to continue the rapid growth, while becoming a GREAT COMPANY.

Sound familiar?

Our HyperGrowth Consulting and Training resources and programs provide you with valuable information gleamed from our working with many other HyperGrowth company CEOs, who face similar excitement, opportunities, and challenges as you may face.


Free Resources and Simple Business Growth Tools


Proven, Systematic, Training to Ensure You Get RESULTS 


Immersion, events, speaking