Business Growth Training & Corporate Events

Content Rich Entertainment

See speaking Topics Below

Scott has been a frequent speaker at high-end entrepreneurial seminars, including Tony Robbin’s Business Mastery, GKIC Success Summits, Eben Pagan Events, multiple Jay Abraham events, and the list goes on.

Scott’s speaking is filled with valuable, useful, content-rich information that entrepreneurs can actually use to generate more revenue and profit, lead and manage more effectively, and build a more valuable, sellable business.

Profit Acceleration Blueprint

60-90 mins: Learn how to rapidly increase revenue and profits without spending more on marketing, sales or technology.

Great for audiences of established entrepreneurial companies, franchises, dealerships and associations.

  • 60 minute Presentation: Scott shows the audience how they can increase profits significantly, without investing more money in marketing, technology or resources. The focus is on optimizing and maximizing their new customer, client, patient generation and maximizing the lifetime value of these customers by: 
    • Increasing the number of qualified leads they receive
    • Increasing the number of these leads that convert to customers, clients or patients
    • Maximizing the transaction value
    • Increasing repeat purchases
    • Generating more referrals 
  • 90 Minute Workshop: The above can be expanded into a workshop where Scott gets attendees engaged in creating their own blueprint.

7 SuccessDrivers ™ to Hypergrowth

60-90 mins: Scott shares the 7 keys to building a rapid growth business from his Amazon-Kindle #1 Bestselling Book with the same title. Learn how the top entrepreneurial companies build GREAT COMPANIES that thrive on change, constantly out-innovate the competition, optimize and maximize performance and profitability at every turn, build world class cultures that are a magnet to top talent, and pay it forward in the community.

Great for audiences of established, rapid growing entrepreneurial companies, VCs, Private Equity firms, and much more.

Your Big Payday

60-90 mins: Baby Boomers will sell more businesses in the next 2-10 years than any other time in history. They HOPE that the sale of their company will be their Big Payday that sets them up for retirement or living the life of their dreams… However, this outcome will be limited to the few that position their companies well in advance of seeking out an M&A firm. Failure to follow Scott’s 5 Golden Keys will result in months or even years to sell their business, likely for way less than they had hoped.

Scott shares the 5 Golden Keys to Selling Your Business Far Faster, For Far More Money, and with Far Better Terms. Great for audiences with business owners looking to sell in the next 1-3 years or wanting to set up their company for more profitability, more freedom, and run like a systematic machine.

Hierarchy of Opportunity

30-45 mins: The workshop is designed for the end of a multi-speaker/session event. The information is often overwhelming and leads to little action by the attendees. Scott takes the audience through a simple workshop to help them identify the handful of strategies and/or tactics that they can go back and implement to improve their performance.

If you are interested in learning more about Scott speaking at your event, simply set up a 15 Minute Discovery Session




