I have written about your Compelling Competitive Advantage™ (CCA) on more than one occasion. Basically, your CCA is what sets you apart from your competitors and makes you the Logical Choice for your customers.

One of the CCA categories we teach in our training is “Convenience”. Anytime you can make buying from you more convenient than from your competitors, you significantly increase the likelihood that individuals and businesses will buy from you.

The other day I saw an unusual application of convenience that involved an Auto Parts Store, a highly competitive industry.

When somebody is in the middle of working on their vehicle, perhaps full of grease, the last thing they want to do is get in the car and drive to the auto parts store.

As you can see from the picture below, this auto parts store aims to solve this “inconvenience” problem by providing Free Home Delivery.

For those customers that value this “convenience” this Auto Parts Store becomes the Logical Choice.

I will share more ways to create a Compelling Competitive Advantage in the near future. But for now….

How Can You One-Up Your Competition Using Convenience?

Think about additional ways you can make doing business with you more convenient for your target customers. Ask your team and your customers for ideas. “What would our customer value that we are not providing?”

It does not have to be as involved as Home Delivery or cost a bunch of money. The key is that it is perceived by your prospects and customers as valuable and beneficial.

To your success,


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