Compelling Advantage Convenience

Just imagine what it would mean to your business if your prospects refused to do business with anyone else. It’s entirely possible if you develop a powerful set of Compelling Competitive Advantages™ that differentiates you from the competition.

One powerful differentiator is SERVICE LEVEL. Differentiating yourself with service is especially powerful today when service (often substandard) has been outsourced to overseas agents and when many businesses reduce expenses in the service area.


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Crazy Profit Weapon

In previous articles I’ve shared with you some ideas on how to get more prospects and turn more of them into customers. But increasing profits doesn’t stop there. The real opportunity lies in how you handle your EXISTING customers. What’s great about getting more revenue from existing customers is you don’t have to spend more money on prospecting. And here’s some good news- ethically harvesting more profits from your existing customers is easier than you think.

One way to get more profits from existing customers is by raising your prices. YIKES…I know but stay with me while I explain.


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6 Simple Ways to Turn More Leads Into Customers

You’ve invested in one or more lead generation approaches to fill your sales pipeline and turn those leads into customers. Have you considered what you can do better to obtain more customers without spending additional money? Even a small percent improvement can yield significant returns lowering your overall cost of customer acquisition.


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How Much Should You Charge?

I recently received an email from Ciprian, a marketing coach from Romania.

“Hi Scott, I am working to become a great marketing consultant and really love your work. Lately, I am receiving requests regarding my services and I am struggling to figure out how much I can charge. I would appreciate a few ideas on how to charge in order for the client and I to feel satisfied.”

Ciprian’s question is a common one. I am on the run but wanted to provide some quick, valuable feedback.


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Do You Need A Bird Dog?

Here’s an interesting question. What % of potential deals do you know about?

Regardless of what method you use to generate leads, many of your target prospects still don’t know about you or the products or services you sell.

Therefore, a great OPTIMIZATION opportunity is to identify ways to get the attention of more of your qualified prospects so that you get the opportunity to “be in the game” when they are ready to buy. For many businesses this simple shift alone will certainly increase the number of new clients, customers, patients or members that do business with you.

In the first part of this series, I WILL focus on businesses that utilize a direct sales force, whether in person or over the phone.


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Simple Path to Profits

Some of the marketing concepts I’ve shared with you are relatively simple and can yield significant profit increases over the life of any business. One example is UPSELLING – simply suggesting an additional item at the point of purchase. Unfortunately many business people either react by saying, “We know about that” or “We’re already doing that.” Fair enough but the vast majority of these companies are leaving tons of profits on the table.

“Knowing” won’t yield any profits. “Doing”, systematically, by taking action will. Start by picking one simple profit strategy and implementing it in a way that it is consistently yielding profits for your business. That one profit stream can yield thousands or even tens of thousands in added profits for the life of your business.


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“Utilizing a “Bottom Up Sales Funnel” to Predictably Hit Sales Targets”

Have you ever made projections about expected sales and missed the target… Perhaps badly?

Has this happened more than once or perhaps frequently?

What if there was a way to almost guarantee you actually achieve your projected sales targets?

Introducing a concept that I created for you years back that helped many companies eliminate that dreaded feeling of coming up short every quarter. (more…)

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Cement in Customer Loyalty OR Spend an Unnecessary Fortune in Marketing

Have you ever thought about how loyal your customers are? If so, how do you now measure this loyalty? Do you measure and track your customer attrition rate? Do you periodically survey your customers?

Whether you know it or not, your profits may be continually drained by customers who left you because of less than superior service. You may also be unaware that the customers who do transact business with you may be doing business with your competitor as well, leaving profits on the table you could better harvest with improved loyalty.


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5 Simple Methods To Reactivate Inactive Customers and Harvest Easy Profits

Often within the seed of every “problem” lies an opportunity. This is definitely true when it comes to lost customers. With a proactive system to manage lost customers you can quickly and easily harvest more profits for your business. Here are some specific tips for turning lost customers into more revenue.  (more…)

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Double Your Referrals…Systematically

One highly effective no cost way to improve profits is referral marketing. Besides being a no cost marketing approach, referral marketing is powerful because it leverages off of existing relationships you already have, such as with your customers.

Many companies say they do referral marketing but we have found that many don’t fully leverage the referral method. They don’t consistently employ referral marketing throughout their organization and they often only use one referral marketing method although there are more than ten methods we share with our customers.

Here are 8 quick tips for boosting the number of referrals you obtain:


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