How your marketing message is packaged and delivered dramatically impacts the number of targeted prospects that are “exposed” to your message…that is the number that actually read, hear or watch your marketing message.
This is a critical ProfitDriver™ in your marketing-sales process, one that can increase your new clients by 3-10% with just a few simple changes to what you are currently doing.
Let’s take a closer look:
Assume you market to 10,000 “qualified” people/households/businesses. This can be via direct mail, newspaper, social media, telesales, or a host of other methods.
If you make one attempt to reach this audience with a marketing message, how many of the 10,000 will actually read, hear or watch your message? Well, it depends, but say it is 25% or 2500. This means that 75% or 7500 never were exposed to your message.
Increase the exposure to 30% and you increase your new client revenue an impressive 20% from that marketing channel (5%/25%).
So how can you increase your Message Exposure? Well, we teach 27 specific strategies, depending on your industry and marketing methods. Here are a couple to get your wheels turning.
- Increase Your Message Repetition – Test running your same marketing message more often so more people get exposed to your message.
- Increase The Effectiveness of Your Message – The goal here is to identify ways you can grab the attention of your prospects more effectively than you are now and engage more “potentially” interested prospects.
Message Exposure is critical to success. So take a few minutes now to reflect on this simple, yet powerful weekly Profit Tip.