Many businesses don’t realize the huge upside profit potential from improved customer satisfaction. Increased levels of satisfaction result in customers remaining with you longer and providing you with more profits over an extended period of time.
Here are five quick tips for improving customer satisfaction:
Research customers’ and prospects’ needs first and then design your service and related offer accordingly. Simply asking the market what it wants and delivering on that need can be very powerful.
Make buying easy. The easier you make it for customers to buy, the faster they’ll buy. For example, provide a 24 x 7 order phone number and have online chat support reps available during that same time period.
Offer several payment options such as a discount for paying the full price now or four easy payments. If you shift a prospect’s mindset from questioning if they are going to buy to how they are going to pay, you will sell more.
Provide a generous return policy. If you have a good product and service, enhancing the return policy will lower the purchase barrier and result in more sales.
Always deliver on your promises. Do what you promise consistently and reliably with every customer.
Here are some tips to make the customer phone experience a positive one:
Train those who answer the call to answer in a warm, cheerful way. Ask everyone to smile when on the phone. This simple act will convey a good image.
Make certain the person who answers the phone is knowledgeable enough to help the calling party.
Set up your phone system and procedure so that the phone is answered promptly. As you have probably experienced, waiting for a company to answer for many rings is not a positive experience.
When no one is available by phone, have a friendly voice mail recording informing the customer within what time frame you will respond.
Test how incoming calls are handled by your business by periodically calling in yourself.
Improve customer satisfaction and you’ll retain customers longer and get more referrals.