Although getting more prospects interested in your products or services (a Lead) is critically important for more sales, the effectiveness of your communications, AFTER you receive the Lead, is equally important.

Examples of a “Meaningful Communication” include getting the interested prospect to:

  • Speak with you
  • Read your sales letter
  • Watch your video
  • Come into your store
  • Dive into your product page online

If a prospect needs to learn more BEFORE they will buy, then failing to engage them in some form of a Meaningful Communication will result in losing them before you ever get a chance to move them through the rest of your sales funnel… and ultimately to a new customer.

5 Ways To Have More “Meaningful Communications” With Interested Prospects

  1. Vary Your Communications Approach. To get through to a prospect with your intended message, varying your approach is more likely to get a response. For example, as part of a campaign communicate by email, phone and direct mail.
  2. Model The Best And Train The Rest™. For example, identify your best performers and determine what they do to engage prospects most effectively. Then share it with others that deal with prospects.
  3. Qualify Prospects Quickly – so that you can invest your time with prospects that are more likely to turn into customers. For example, getting them to make a selection on the landing page that “qualifies” what type of buyer they are.
  4. Give The Prospect A Reason To Want To Learn More. For example, provide a free special report on your website that gives them specific actions they can take to solve one or more painful problems they likely have.
  5. Create Scarcity. For example, if you are holding an educational seminar, indicate that a limited number of seats are available. If you are a consultant, you could say that you have only five Profit Generating Free Consultations available.

Without effective Meaningful Communications, some of the money you invested in lead generation could be wasted. How meaningful is all of your communication? Answer this question as if you were a prospect. How could you change your current communications to be more meaningful and valuable?

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